As our good friend Eva Meinhof once sang, ‘Men Men Men, Sexy Sexy Sexy’. That should go on our coat or arms!
We have, as always, been up to our armpits in hot blokes, welcoming back a very worked out Leon Hunter (who changed his name from Paolo Bertolli for kinda obvious reasons) we paired him with the uber- arsed Rico. Then fresh from the Barcelona show, Mark Summers (used to be Mark Givens – ahhh theres a lot of it about) came back with a bang in a threesome with Justin Harris and Matt Hughes (we’d stop using him if you stopped loving him…what is it you guys like so much about Matt..?)

And when we’ve not been shooting we’ve been putting the finishing touches to our first DVD. As I type the BBFC are doing what they do and designer Gary is putting the finishing touches to the cover.
I know – we could just dump a sleazy cover on it, but like pervy proud parents, we’re making the same special effort with our DVDs as we do with the website.

Lastly, we welcome two new new guys to our stud stable.. Benjamin O’Neil from Manchester and Rick Fernandi from LA, via Spain, we filmed their sticky al fresco fuckathon yesterday.
Tanning while we work, ahh its all good!

Ol’ Cheeky Chops is back!

Autumn’s a busy time for shoots. Some performers are coming back from summer travels abroad whilst others are heading back home after spending the summer here and we of course want to get some of them together in one or more of our videos. It doesn’t always work out, but it’s worth trying to orchestrate that cross-over period.

We’ve been back in that wonderland of stage sets in south-east London this week, thoroughy perplexing the owner by wanting to shoot in parts of the building which don’t have sets ready built! It’s here that we shot with someone we haven’t seen for a good while…

Kyle Lucas appeared in Sweeney 2 – Traffic, taking on the mighty Dillon Buck, bravely accommodating Dillon’s huge cock in his arse and swallowing jet after jet of hot Dillon juice.
It’s one of my favourite UKNM scenes and was great fun to shoot. I can’t believe it’s almost two years ago – or that we haven’t seen Kyle on the site since then!

I think he’s improving with age… his sexy body hair and his furry balls and arse make him even hotter and he’s growing into the perfect UKNM guy. He’s also a pleasure to have around & a shoot with Kyle is guaranteed to be a fun experience.

In his last performance for UKNM Kyle proved that he’s up for a challenge… and we certainly presented him with one this time. He of course accepted it – with relish.

More on that later…

A little extra width…

Though we’ve been shooting with high definition video cameras for a couple of years now, we still prefered the classic 4:3 format for our edits.
Too much empty space around the action and those black strips actually seeming to diminish the viewing area were a couple of the reasons.

Having said that, nor do we like the ‘one sixe fits all’ approach, and some videos just cry out for a wider format, so we set about figuring out how to deliver true widescreen streaming video how it’s meant to be seen… no black strips, just full-picture, wider video at our full-quality streaming bit rate.

We’re pleased to announce that you can now stream or download true widescreen versions of selected UKNM videos.
At our highest quality, that’s a whopping 960 pixels wide!

Remember we’ll only use widescreen if it works best for the video. This isn’t about using widescreen just because we can and if 4:3 gives a better result, we’ll use it. Where we do use widescreen, we hope you’ll enjoy the difference.

Try it out! Take a look at: ‘Roadie’ or ‘Vin Costes After Hours’ ‘Fightclub’ and others to see the full effect.

You have the quality, now feel the width…

A long time coming

Some shoots come together really quickly and others take a little longer. In general, even the most complicated videos make it to the site within a couple of months. Then there are a few scripts which have been near the top of our shooting list for ever, just waiting for the right location and the right models to come together at the right time.

Our next feature, Fight Club, is one of those videos. Based on an idea suggested to us by a UKNM member over a year ago, it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here.

Two city types meet in a disused warehouse for a bout of barefoot wrestling. The wrestling singlets they’re wearing under their suits cling to every contour of their taut bodies as they writhe & struggle to gain the upper role. UKNM stud Kurt Rogers is looking particularly fine in Lycra as is his sparring partner, the perfectly toned French Canadian Nick Ford.

The slips are eventually shed and the loser is askedd into submission – not that he’s too unhappy about being askedd – judging by his explosive and copious  cum-shot, we think he really likes it that way.

Fight Club, like all our videos, is shot in HD, but this time we’re presenting it in wide-screen format, so you don’t miss an inch of the action.

It’s coming to the site this Saturday, July 19th. Grab yourself a ringside seat & watch this fight close-up.

Speed Dating

It wasn’t so long ago that British men wouldn’t even shake hands when they met. These days it’s a kiss on both cheeks – and that’s just the straight ones.

Mind you, I think this speed-dating craze is a good thing. There’s no messing about with polite conversation and it’s straight to what you’re really after.

Take these two for example. They met for the first time at 11.55 and they knew each other inside-out by lunch time.
Oh, the modern world!