Bottomless drawers

A collective sigh of relief went around UKNM Towers as the launch was finally completed. All feedback is very welcome of course & we hope you enjoy the new features.

Meanwhile, I’ve had another rummage in the files and found a great set. Way back when, I used to photograph guys for magazines. Everything was shot on transparency and had to be scanned in those pre-digital days (thatlong ago!). Now, with digital cameras we can shoot hundreds of photos and download them to the computer in minutes for editing, so a set of photos would have to be quite special to merit scanning each slide and cleaning up the images. Therefor, most photo sets from that era will remain in the files.

This set stood out as one that’s worth the time and effort, so we’ve been scanning a few whenever we had some free time and it’s now complete.


The location’s gorgeous of course and it’s shot in that ‘magazine style’ but mainly, it’s a very horny set.
Tony really knows how to pose and obviously loves showing off. You just know he’d be an amazing shag.

This photo set will be on the site next week.

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